
I’m a formerly Austin, Texas based Photographer whose work has appeared in print and digital publications across the globe. I was also the photographer of the book, “Austin, Texas: A Photographic Portrait,” a 128-page 8.5″ x 11″ coffee table highlighting landmarks around the Capital of Texas, published in 2011. Learn more about the book at AustinPhotoBook.com – you can purchase the book on Amazon.com.

Apart from the book project, I enjoy taking photos during my travels around the world and for a time, I was very into capturing environmental portraits utilizing dramatic lighting. For example, check out my action photos of breakdancers.

I used to call Austin my home… I lived there for 21 years following college. I’ve also spent 10 years (from birth) in the mountains of Tennessee, but Atlanta, Georgia is my hometown. I spent 12 formative years in the ATL, and I’m back for my second act.

Outside of the USA, I’ve traveled to more than two dozen countries over the last few decades, which has really opened up my eyes to different perspectives and cultures. When I’m not behind the lens, you can find me kicking around a soccer ball, hanging out with friends, traveling the world, chasing a small person who shares half of my DNA (and who is the reason I’m not very active in photography anymore), and enjoying all sorts of tasty and sometimes “bizarre” foods.

I hope you enjoy this blog, and feel free to check out my portfolio website!


1 comment

  • Hello, you have captured some beautiful photos. One in perticular caught my attention, it was a photo of a dog named Tofu. I came across it by scrolling through pictures of animals on Pinterest. I appaud your efforts to help shelter animals, which tells me you are doing what you can to help. What l noticed was the picture was taken in 2011, was this beautiful dog ever adopted? Can I be so bold to suggest, that if you are going to post your images of these animals, who need our help so badly, that you post an update. Thank you for doing all you can, to help sheltered animals in your community. Your beautiful photo has travelled for two years, and many miles, to my eyes today. A friend, North of the border, in cold chilly Canada.

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